Fall 2017 Nugget Newsletter

Whitaker/Fletcher House and Kaufman Cabin Repairs This summer saw some badly needed repairs at the Whittaker/Fletcher house. The metal flashing on the gable over the museum door was reattached by Chris Mullen. The top of the chimney was also repaired and a leak in the...

Fall – Winter 2017 Nugget Newsletter

New Repository Building Planned Repository: “A type of facility that is dedicated to managing, preserving, processing, studying, and storing museum property according to professional museum and archival practices”. (Department of the Interior’s...

Spring 2016 Nugget Newsletter

MacDonald Panels Many people have remarked that they miss the three panels illustrating the life of Ranald MacDonald, Japan’s first English teacher, that formerly stood beside the Kettle River Road near his grave. They were removed two years ago because...

Winter 2015 – 16 Nugget Newsletter

New Old Time Chautauqua to Visit Republic The Washington State Parks Department and an organization called “New Old Time Chautauqua” are joining forces to bring an interesting event to Republic. Quotations from the organization’s own literature...

Summer – Fall 2015 Nugget Newsletter

Japanese Students Honor Ranald MacDonald For the third year the Friends of MacDonald organization and Rishiri High School have sent two students and ateacher to see places in the Northwest associated with the life and death of Ranald MacDonald. This year our...

Spring 2015 Nugget Newsletter

Slagle House Schedule The J.W. and Elizabeth Slagle house in Republic will be open for guided tours on the fourth Saturday of the month from Maythrough September or by arrangement. To arrange a tour please call Jean Delaney at (509) 207-0070. The J.W. and Elizabeth...
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