Slagle property development begins

The Historical Society Board has spent the winter months working on plans for the development of the Slagle Historic Complex. The Complex will include the J.W. and Elizabeth Slagle House and barn, both of which are on the National Historic Register of Historic Places. It will include moving the Kaufman Cabin to the site and building a display and storage building. The building and property were gifted to FCHS in 2010 by Dick Slagle. Recent Inspections have identified areas that need to be repaired to keep the buildings viable for future museum use. The plan will include repairs to the foundation of the house and water issues around the skirting.

Some long-deferred work has already been accomplished on the main house. During April, the Curlew Job Corps Civilian Conservations Center masonry crew rebuilt both brick chimneys on the main house. Under the watchful eyes of Instructor, Scott Porter, they erected scaffolding, removed damaged brick and mortar, and reinstalled new brick.

During May we started the clearing and leveling of the adjacent Slagle Garden Lot. Board members volunteered time to remove the old perimeter fence.
The property needs to be filled and leveled. Clifford and Judy Cahoon, FCHS members, are volunteering their time and equipment to accomplish this. The City of Republic has stepped up to help with excess rock from Stonerose and fill dirt from other projects. This area will eventually house the Kaufman Cabin and the new storage and display building.

The plan also includes ways to fund these projects.
FCHS members spent the early months applying for
several grants from various groups with mixed results.

Curlew<br />
Job Corps Masonry Program<br />
students have restored both<br />
of the chimneys on the J.W.<br />
& Elizabeth Slagle House;

Curlew Job Corps Masonry Program students have restored both of the chimneys on the J.W. & Elizabeth Slagle House

one of the chimneys before<br />

one of the chimneys before restoration

Volunteer Jay Jurgensen removes an old fence

Volunteer Jay Jurgensen removes an old fence

Curlew Job Corps students at work

Curlew Job Corps students at work

Passing the torch

Publications that last more than a few issues need occasional changes of editors. The Nugget is implementing such a change now. After editing and distributing the Nugget since 2013, former editor Madilane Perry would like to take a rest and hand it on to our next editor.

The new editor is Nancy Morris, a long-time Ferry County resident, 1956 Graduate of Republic High School and one of the people principally responsible for grant writing and the restoration of the fairgrounds Merry-go-round. She has long experience in doing business, raising a family and working with non-profits in Ferry County. She has always enjoyed writing and has recently self-published two books of her own.

While the Nugget may not look the same, keep to the same quarterly schedule or distribution pattern, it will continue to convey information on the doings of the Ferry County Historical Society. F.C. H. S. Members will continue to receive their copies by either traditional mail or electronically as desired.

Allen Foundation grant received

“It is our pleasure to inform you that Ferry County Historical Society has been awarded a Community Accelerator Grant in the amount of $7,500. Funded by the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation and administered by ArtsFund, the purpose of the grant is to provide essential capital to Washington’s cultural organizations and invest in a stronger, more inclusive and thriving arts and cultural sector. This award is unrestricted.”

This grant will be used to further the renovations on the Slagle Complex.

Innovia grant awarded

Re: Preservation of Slagle Museum, Barn and Washhouse

Congratulations! On behalf of the Board of Directors of Innovia Foundation, I am pleased to inform you that your proposal to the Community Grants Program FY24 has been approved for funding.

At your earliest convenience, please log in to your dashboard to complete your grant agreement. You will find the form by clicking on “My Applications” on the left-hand menu and finding the application in the
table. Click “Details” and find the Grant Agreement listed in the “Required Document” section. Once we receive the grant agreement, we can process your grant check.

Innovia Foundation is honored to partner with you to improve the quality of life for residents of the Inland Northwest. Your work truly makes a difference, and we wish you the best in this endeavor.

Organization Name: Ferry County Historical Society
Application Name: Preservation of Slagle Museum,
Barn and Washhouse
Application ID: 130245
Approved Funding: $13,824.00

This grant is restricted to cover the painting of the Slagle House, barn and washhouse.

Conservation fair

The Ferry County Historical Society was represented at the Ferry Conservation Fair April 27th. The society’s usual booth, #2 on the south wall of the fair barn, was decorated with copies of photographs from the organization’s extensive collection and staffed by F. C. H. S. President Madilane Perry.

The booth was stocked with maps of Ferry County and its historic sites, brochures from local museums and membership applications to the F. C. H. S.

Collections committee meets

Several members of the Board had the opportunity to meet with Shawn Schollmeyer, Digital Newspapers Coordinator with the Washington State Library in Olympia. She explained that there is a State mandate that says the state library is responsible for preserving newspapers of record published in the State.

Museums and libraries often work together in archiving local newspapers. The importance of making our newspaper collection available to the State for digitizing and public access was explained. One of Shawn’s 2024 priorities is to make sure that the State Library has at least Ferry County newspapers of record on file. FCHS will work with her in filling in any of the gaps.

Meeting dates – 4th Thursday of each month: June 27; July 25; August 22; September 19; October 24;
November to be rescheduled due to Thanksgiving; December may be rescheduled as well.

To comment on this publication contact Editor Nancy Morris at (509) 435-1841.

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